Podium presentation by our CEO at ISPOR US 2024. Read more

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EasySLR delivers the speed you need with the accuracy you demand


The future of systematic literature reviews

Our cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interface make it easier than ever to stay ahead of the curve.

AI-Assisted Study Selection

Leverage our custom AI-powered parser and LLM for rapid screening and selection with greater precision, reducing time spent on manual tasks significantly.

Intelligent Data Synthesis

Transform data extraction and analysis with AI tools that synthesize findings swiftly, ensuring you reach insights faster with uncompromised rigor.

Transparent Conflict Resolution

Benefit from clear, guided resolution paths that help settle reviewer disagreements with transparency and ease, fostering consensus and maintaining review integrity.

Comprehensive Dashboard Analytics

Track your project's heartbeat with our dynamic dashboard. Gain insights on team progress, review stages, and project timelines at a glance.

Auto Full-Text Retrieval

Access the full text of studies instantly with a single click. Our AI streamlines the process, saving you from the hassle of manual searches.

Customizable Data Extraction Forms

Extract exactly what you need with customizable forms that AI helps to fill, ensuring data consistency and thoroughness.

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Take the hassle out of literature reviews

With EasySLR, you can automate the most time-consuming parts of the process and focus on what you do best. We’ll handle the rest.